Jordan Building & Design, LLC would be happy to quote your home for you. We can get you a price based on two different pricing schemes, Cost-Plus or Lump-Sum.
For Cost-Plus, we get you an estimate, giving you the costs of your home as estimated plus a builder fee. We give you a price for all of the self-performed work that is done by Jordan Building & Design, LLC directly that will not change as long as the scope of work is not changed. Everything else is the actual cost of construction plus a percentage that is negotiated upfront. If a door knob costs $12.00, you will be charged $12.00 plus this percentage, etc…

For Lump-Sum, our more popular scheme, a hard quote will be derived from estimates from vendors and subcontractors incorporating self-performed labor. This price will be the price of your home and will not change unless you change the scope of work. We include allowances for flooring, countertops, cabinets, light fixtures, masonry, and depending on the situation, septic systems. This allows you to shop around and find the finishes that you desire. You can go to the vendor of your choice for these items. We can give recommendations of vendors that we’ve worked with us in the past, or you can go wherever you wish. Your choice. If their costs come back less than the allowance, you save this amount. If costs come back higher, you pay the difference. We set allowances with you, enabling you to have the opportunity to come up with allowance amounts that fit with your taste and quality that you desire. Our proposal will include a section by section detail of what we have included. No surprises! We also include a draw schedule, so you know at what point in construction the costs will be incurred. We can also option out any items that you would like pricing on, so you can decide between different options.
In either scheme, our proposal becomes our contract to proceed. Once signed, that is our direction to begin construction.